Interesting Arty Stuff
4 Ways to make Buying an Art Gift Easy
Art Art Buying Christmas gift gift

It can be challenging to buy art as a gift for someone. Second-guessing your choice can just make you abandon the idea altogether.
But the impact of a well chosen gift of art can last for a long time. You just need some simple strategies to get it right.
Here are 4 sure-fire was to make everyone smile.
3 things to check before you buy that painting
Do these three simple checks before you buy
What is the right height to hang an art work?

1. What is the height of the eye height of most viewers?
2. Does the work need protected from knocks?
3. Do you have a situation that is unusual?
That's copyright right? 8 basics that art buyers and artists should know
The basic concept of copyright is that the creator holds the sole right to make, reproduce, or distribute the product they have created. But can it be that simple when it comes to art? What should an art buyer know about the copyright on what they are about to buy? What should an artist know?
8 breakable rules when doing a 'gallery wall' in your home