For the Artists
Wondered how to get your work on Macandmor?
This is the page to help you. We want you to get your work in front of the world. Yes, there are some hoops to jump through but we are on your side and we will make this as easy as possible.
Number One thing - Our goal is to get good quality work in front of customers. By 'good quality' we mean good artistic skills and techniques, good, true, clean substrates, high quality paints/inks/printing methods and framing, well finished, professionally presented with labels and packaging where needed, and all copyright issues considered by you and attended to. So if your work falls short on any one of those things, work on it and then talk to us.
Number two thing will seem a bit inconsequential next to Number One thing but it is about running a smooth operation.
Number Two thing - you must have an email address that you monitor and interact with. Sure, you are entitled to have some philosophical objection to email but it will mean that we can't do business. We need a reliable way to get the same message quickly to a widely distributed team ('team' being all the artists that create the overall Macandmor experience).
Number Three thing - we are a team all trying to get more beautiful art appreciated by our customers. You'll be asked to do some things aimed at helping the whole team from time to time.
Facebook or Instagram user? We expect three things from you:
- that you will 'Like' our page
- that you will comment on our posts (4 words is enough)
- that you will do your own posts about your work in Macandmor and tag us in
This is essential reading...
Doing Business With Macandmor - this pdf sets out how we operate and what you need to do in the first instance to get work considered.
Framing Prints or Watercolours? What you need to know about our standards
Packaging materials we can supply
We have backing card and self seal plastic bags for presenting prints for sale. We can sell you whatever quantities you want. 1 or 100 (or in between). I will have the list up shortly. We won't be the cheapest supplier but we will save you the mucking about.
And just handy stuff....
Some help with photography standards
How to tell the story of your creative work.
Writing kick arse product descriptions. Some advice - because it is hard.
Some more advice on product descriptions from
What you need to know about copyright - this blog gives you a good outline.
Writing a bio. Tips and help.
Approaching a gallery (not just us) - This was too good to NOT re-post here. From Artwork Archive
How to help ANY gallery you have work in - video
How to set up two factor authentication on your business Facebook page. Stops you getting hacked by way of unauthorised entry to your account.
What is Creative Commons Zero (No Rights Reserved licence)?
Where can you get Creative Commons Zero resources for your inspiration? Here and here and here