A Virtual Art Fix
In isolation or just want to surf the art world? Well here are some art related things you cando:
Watch this documentary on Roy Lichtenstein
See the Tate Modern's Andy Warhol exhibition
See Tauranga Art Gallery latest exhibition photos on their Facebook page
Visit https://www.artgallery.org.nz/exhibitions/id/1393 to see all finalists in the 2020 Miles Award
Look at some art virtually Visit some of the top galleries in the world without leaving your seat.
Visit Google Arts and Culture. Amazing what you can see and learn from this
Learn how to paint - this guy is just one but his commentary alone is worth the watch
Bob Blast is a good youtube series about painting
Learn how to draw.
Books A Plenty have this wonderful book in stock. Order it from there here
Sign up to do Photo Competitions - ViewBug are doing some especially for those confined to their homes. Free Sign up.
Find yourself a good podcast source. This is a good one - not all art related but ALL interesting. They have articles (you read) and episodes (you listen to)
A special playlist a friend has put together on spotify for you
Email us at macandmorart@gmail.com for a private viewing of the gallery. We will open up any reasonable time and let you wander by yourselves.