Interesting Arty Stuff

What is it about Red?

Art color Colour Red

What is it about Red?

You might have heard people mention that the colour red in art instantly makes it more attractive. Red has certainly been used by important works over the ages to draw attention or signify passion, blood, revolution, and life.   Does this have any science behind it? It turns out it does but even without the science the “story” of red is very interesting.  

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Just what is a Giclèe Print ?

Just what is a Giclèe Print ?

Just what is a Giclèe Print ? It simply means it was printed on an inkjet printer. That could be the end of the story but usually the inkjet printer is not like the one you have at home. Common usage of the word in galleries and with artists is that the term is used to denote a work printed on a high quality professional inkjet print.

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